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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1724913582908.png (2.79 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


>coswork freak is a mod here
so that's why the site died

File: 1724849585293.png (2.71 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


bring back the name field

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Hey chuds, new site, similar to pph.lol.
This site is called "The Overparty", and serves as a overboard for all Soysphere sites.
This site contains descriptions, stats, pph (if applicable), and wikis for each soysphere site.
Is there a site missing? No problem, you can submit new sites to be added, and a Janny will approve it.
Is there a wiki page left blank? You can manually edit it yourself with new info.
Have fun, chuddies, this site is similar to pph.lol now with much more user interaction.
16 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


add /rye/ to the shemmy


amount of posts per hour tracker made:
tracks the amount of posts at that hour.


not realtime sadly


why is kiwifarms in this?


why does it block tor you glownigger

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add /rye/




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Rye get the fuck off soygem nigga u an opp fr


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ryebread.party is the official sister site of the shemmy


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doesnt even exist
cant even install vichan without codefag's help award

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Make the site into Meatcanyon.party and use meat canyon drawings as reactions


meatcanyon jaks


heck yes1


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Is baiting by calling people shoalytrannies banned now?

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got banned by a janny for posting gore
good one
the shemmy experiment has failed


they should bring back the spoilered nsfw rule
mutt end this rule experiment it has gone wrong, this site will become the shitty with all of this gore spam and drama forced by offsiters


it is banned once again


is the word shoalytranny banned now because you keep banning me for saying it

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>need to post meta coal on /soy/ cause /sgp/ is too dead
Since I don't feel like making a poll for this i'll just ask, do you guys have any suggestions in regards to what should be done with the current situation with our boards?
I was going to change or remove some of them myself at first but I think it's important to know what you guys would like.
34 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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strange that (You) have so many notes though


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>if its not my idea then you should kys


do i have notes :3



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adding filters manually from options is broken
also, who the fuck has ever used the dropdown menu on a post before outside of hiding it? just get rid of the dropdown completely and replace it with a hide button [–] like on threads and 4chan x


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Seriously might just be an issue with vichan since Angeleno said he uses the shemmy as a testing ground for it and new features.

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Some faggot janny is deleting the bait in /soy/ and singlehandedly killing the site, please hang him upside down and beat him with a bat


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I dont care about this site really

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