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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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If you really want to be like /qa/, remove the autoquoting button so that people are forced to add an arrow to every line when soydueling (aka, how you're supposed to do it)


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An error has occured.


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<You WILL NOT post, upload, request, or link to anything that is illegal in the United States. This includes:
<Child sexual abuse material (any obscene content of a person or fictional character under 18 (including "lolicon"/"shota" as well as child erotica)).
It's quite disappointing that in the ban logs, people posting actual 'p will receive the same description as people who do anything from posting degen loli porn to posting porn of older character who are under 18, think of all the anime characters under 18 that are still very popular
At the least, separate these animated porns, which are still degenerate, from actual CSAM, otherwise this site will end up submitting false reports to the NCMEC and potentially from there local police departments. While degenerate and disgusting, non-real 'p cannot be considered CSAM, but jannies might wrongly report it as such, which could lead the NCMEC to stop interacting with our site due to false reports.
It would also waste NCMEC resources and make it harder for them to prosecute actual cases.
So i think this rule should be split into CSAM, which is reported to the NCMEC and law enforcement and porn of underage animated characters, which is instead earning a permaban from the website.
What do you think?
I didn't know what to use for the mandatory thread image so here's an ohio pepe to lighten the mood a bit.
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Although this distinction is not in the rules, the procedures for dealing with animated ‘p and real csam are very clear for moderators. Moderators have a system to quickly permaban the user, get the content off of our site permanently by hashbanning it, and reporting it to the NCMEC. Fictional ‘p simply results in a permaban and a deletion of the post iirc, but I believe the admins can hashban the images as well.


Have you considered expanding the definition of what isnt allowed? I realized if a character wasn't considered "loli/shota" and had an age in the story of over 18 it would be allowed even if it had a clearly underage body. Remember all the animes with characters who clearly look like children but who the creators say is actually a 300 year old demon? We should expand the rule to close this loophole.






i think we’re going by common sense which means that the rules don’t have loopholes and if it looks underage then it is considered underage

File: 1718342802630.png (79.83 KB, 171x168, closeted femboy furry flou….PNG)


is the admin angeleno actually sherbert from sherbert shenanigans i just want to know,



^^ schizophrenic furfag

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The server took too long to submit my post.


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I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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ow owah


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Remove flower smeller wordfilter

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using my one free namefag pass


its embedded

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This site is currently being protected by BidenFlare.


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