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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1716625335846.png (168.07 KB, 530x523, 1716621410092.png)


Remove captcha on /test/


do this, if /test/ become /nate/ would be funny

File: 1716538176113.png (379.46 KB, 828x773, ClipboardImage (78).png)


why is the bans page blank


regime change(s) so nobody really tending to it or updating

File: 1716606293384.jpg (190.84 KB, 700x700, 4e71338e19a5410a9152816f21….jpg)


so can i

File: 1716463594906.png (28.96 KB, 554x772, IMG_6210.png)


just copy da shartees captcha
its much faster to do
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


its the same thing except instead of counting you click on the variant then type the name of it


i genuinely mean this btw
despite all the complaints on that day people were still actively posting with the captcha on the sharty's /soy/, it was only retarded niggers who didn't get how to do it


do this


do this


xe did it

File: 1715717573247.jpg (102.55 KB, 1195x668, 1715568397556629.jpg)


what if you had to solve captcha once a day before being able to post normally?
not something like hcaptcha that can be bypassed with accessibility cookies, but a proper one


this is fucking creepy

File: 1716467117828.png (74.67 KB, 378x378, IMG_0636.png)


I think we’ve done good to build back better from the first two shutdowns of the site but we are still missing some pretty nice things
>codefag’s various new text colors
>my beloved /calm/ and /sneed/




go the fuck up bitch

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File: 1716460133734-1.png (283.84 KB, 350x350, ClipboardImage.png)


Captchas are really obnoxious and I find it extremely hard to post when its impossible for like 3 captchas to find out the correct answer. I know you've got this 271k times already but it would be so fvcking kvyed… if the captchas weren't tedious


File: 1716460351188.png (262.1 KB, 350x350, ClipboardImage.png)

yeah it killed the pph
i dont want to count to 7 with images 75% covered up the captcha is too much work


8 pliers
7 glowies
it's not hard at all, if you can't solve it you're ngmi

File: 1716416878981.jpg (54.51 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41….jpg)


Pages aren't archiving on archive.today
The archiver is looping at the cloudflare forced turnstile challenge
Just try archiving any thread and you'll see


you have to bypass the jartycuck ddos page too
and try clearing cookies
its retarded af


what is blud trying to archive


File: 1716432868948.gif (44.02 KB, 173x173, 1705534771692.gif)


where the fuck is muh click and point captcha, is it still in development?

File: 1714484486098.png (105.43 KB, 800x800, seanshotgun.png)


No I will not ban someone for "posting slopjak" or being a "nevergoon soylita minioncorder". Stop wasting my fucking time


Well, then why slopjaks got hashbanned on /soy/?


meds they're not


File: 1716426936988.png (118.06 KB, 1834x1910, vril.png)

<No I will not ban someone for "posting slopjak" or being a "nevergoon soylita minioncorder". Stop wasting my fucking time


>nevergoon soylita minioncorder
a what

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