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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1719264797971.mp4 (44.47 MB, 480x854, 73469 - SoyBooru.mp4)


6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




why did nate do that to Soytan what a fucking faggot nigger







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File: 1719926416092-1.gif (94.82 KB, 550x400, 1702672599724.gif)


>spam suspected even doe I made like 2 posts in the past hour


whoops sorry


Fix this shit niggers, I'm not splinterfagging to get bitched at by some nudev tier security protocol


It should be off? Check please


works now


Bidenflare or something

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guys, im really confused about what i think is hypocritical rule enforcement and i don't want to keep shitting up /qa/ with meta threads
apparently some guy got banned for saying he finds a 17 year old anime character attractive and posting bikini photos of her. at the same time, the mods here spoilered an image about a week ago of maya from ongezellig in a shirt and underwear. it wasn't deleted and it was up until it slid off page 20. in the show, maya goes to school, so its obvious the character is probably underage.
why was the guy who posted the other character banned? we allow 16 year olds and up to post on our site and we probably have an underage majority. and a lot of our userbase is in europe where most countries ages of consent is 16.
im sorry for rambling but i guess im just concerned about how it feels like rules are being enforced so inconsistently.
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No no it's fine, i saw it while the sperg out was going down for a moment, it wasn't really much but i can understand why the janny had a bit of a meltdown for a sec. But yes that guy is the same poster as the lilyhops one who also posts a lot of other anime shit too.


oh i'm a jannycuck yes i'm a jannyfail


lilyhops poster was skajyos doe



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Time for a board cull. Which ones do you want gone, which ones do you want to stay.
/j/ not counted you slfs.
18 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ah actually you might have a point, i'll tell him when he's awake


respectfully i dont want to play the guessing game because incognito removes (You) cookies and it will waste your time


bring back /z/.




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Please strip the referrer from links with noreferrer since a certain website could categorize people with them


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make https://soygem.party/j/index.html public for transparency reasons
this isnt frootcord so i dont think angeleno has anything to hide


make it so only jannies can post there but make it viewable by everyone


cant make a thread of /qa/ for some reason

File: 1717131909158.gif (574.99 KB, 383x192, 88888.gif)


Please use this thread to complain about things about the site or to suggest anything in relation to it.
34 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1719789485612.png (896.71 KB, 736x1045, Froot get in line.png)

<><this site isn't over seen by dear leader Froot, please fix this issue ASAP.






File: 1720215606761.webm (2.14 MB, 480x360, 1716377085306v.webm)

>no soys
>no gems
>no party
Froot really was right this place is a nigger.party


File: 1720215709199.mp4 (5.47 MB, 850x800, 0701c2c7-df41-4f93-ae6d-25….mp4)

>no soys
>no gems
>no party
Froot really was right this place is a nigger.party

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What happened to the gay furry porn spammer?


im him ama


hi quote


File: 1726767791157.jpg (6.95 KB, 176x250, 0c0fcb826f1c3895dd8dcc3610….jpg)

I've been transitioning for months now 🌈✨, when will I finally look like this? 🤔💖😞 I'm getting impatient ⏳😩💔!!

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