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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.2377[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I want to merge /soy/ and /qa/. This time, I take full responsibility for the change.
There are a few reasons why I think it is a reasonable change:
>Soyposting is funner when it doesn't exist in a vacuum.
>NAS posting is funner when it doesn't exist in a vacuum.
>It is a richer experience to have all sorts of posting styles pitted against each other in a melting pot.
>You are allowed to post your autistic obsessions.
>You are allowed to laugh at said autistic obsessions.
>There is no ban or particular encouragement/discouragement for IAS or NAS implied by this change; i.e. no favoritism. You are free.
I hope this clarifies the reasoning and nature of the change. Leave any questions below.
190 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1717919482583.png (23.88 KB, 855x762, sxchasdfhbweqaf.png)

>im going to post my ban on kiwifarms because im the evil kiwifarms tranny or something, hope it makes you angry tranny manager




File: 1717929280149.png (77.29 KB, 469x385, 30000 - SoyBooru.png)

holy fucking kek this site is DEAD


>leave the site where you get banned for mocking jannies for the other site where you get banned for mocking jannies


File: 1717956095414.mp4 (38.7 MB, 1080x1080, 202406080111(1).mp4)

killed soygem.party award

File: 1713177604401.gif (331.68 KB, 300x400, kuz musika.gif)


add mp3 support please.
11 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Мы стреляем по хохлам!
За Россию и дедов
Порешаем всех скотов!
Пиу-пиу! Сосать концы,
Грязные бендеровцы!
Пидары укропы,
подставляйте жопы!
Мариуполь, Мариуполь -
По еблу хохлам залупой!
Мы сейчас поводим
в дружном хороводе!
Наш Луганск и ДНР,
Замутим СССР,
А хохлам залупу
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Lock every board except /pol/. It will be a good decision, you have to trust me on this.


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>Lock every board except /pol/. It will be a good decision, you have to trust me on this.


But politics bore me and /pol/ Will become a board for gay retards

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sweep it up tranny janny


Moved to >>>/sgp/2574.

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Why is a literal Reddit vtubegooner tranny manager of this site?


>t. lusts over 15 yo nips


not really a problem since that guy is probably a 15 year old himself

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shemmycucks… our response?


bro hates trans people for no reason

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Unlock the trannies AMA, why are you protecting their feelings? Fell in love buddy?


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>Fell in love buddy?
is that so wrong?

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Hello, I thought it'd be time for me to do a AMA since I haven't done one and it seems like a good opportunity for people to get to know who's managing the jannies a little better + feedback
so just go ahead and ask anything that comes to mind.
46 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


why do you lie about being a man?


Pollyana was a pedophile from the QAfe.


hello lol


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>I atleast have the mentality to janny and manage


>Lurker ## Manager 3 days ago
>she's cute, i find most Touhou characters cute.
im shocked, how can this be the same person that was exposed for being trans? where were the warning signs?

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i,m not bot

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 No.2213[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm sorry that the last sticky creeped you guys out.
122 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1717833746837.png (318.83 KB, 516x495, ClipboardImage.png)

>can you explain this meme to me, i dont get it


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File: 1717839190028.jpg (54.51 KB, 976x850, pepe.jpg)

well well well


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