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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer

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i hate you guys so much. i don't knwo why i post here but i can't stop. i want to stop. shoot me


percussive matience by smashing my head against the bathroom floor until i forget im a failed musician and get even worse brain injury <3
why the FUCK do i not have cancer and aids and shit. i deserve it more than any one else on this earth can we just give all the world's suffering to me pls thnks i am such a waste of oxygen i do nothing i think everything but i am nothing im just dust


we love you


thank you
i dont know how you guys can love me though its not like i have that much of a personality all i have going for me is that im nice and i know a ton of shit about vocal synths but aside from that theres like no good qualitys about me


i need to stop venting on the shemmy damn i look like a tard

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post soyjaks


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what do you think of encyclopedia dramatica?


i got banned from there because i was a faggot 0/10


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The average user there


newer articles just read like ultra obsessed seetheposts because the subject raped the author in the ass or made him mad butthurt otherwise


thats dravidian chillyshit


how did you get banned and what was the reason

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Is this FtM inclusive btw


I never claimed to be a man


before, so congratulate me on coming out guys


@truchanner you start please


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 No.192547[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Can we get a cat thread going on?
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Soos will have his entire asshole completely burned by fire and acid when we will start going at it with razor blades, slowly slicing him up to the intestines


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you MAGAts will pay for trying to take away my transfem medicine


Obsessed with scar

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itt we post shemmychad media
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even doe mlp autists still make hq oc


and other fun jokes to tell yourself


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Kys broney for killing my childhood

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Scar hasn't been here for almost a year, who are you sperging at?

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reminder that kiwi is the one that groomed coswork16 into trooning out




Im 16 and you’re almost a adult


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11 more months but ok


ban this nigger again please


shalom rabbi how'd you escape your synagogue?

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I think it's time I came back


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>I think it's time I came back


I think it's time I came


ohhh im cumming ohhhhhh


Huh? Who is this



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ask me in 2 years o algx


>every namefag left on the shoally is underage
pack it up it's over


you are indirectly implying that you want to fuck nameGODs

do you?


when did i ever imply that


ermm, you just did chud

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Heckingemmy is a pedophile who will never grow up and jerks off to robot children.

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why make a deader version of the schlog


a forum would be nice


a discord server would be even better

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Do you live near shitskins?
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Kek, it's kino!


Do my parents count


you count too, i bet you never go outside so the only people you see are your parents


I just hate them doe


hate who?

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