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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

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generator gnome entertainment everyone your one phenomena obsessed built commercial hypertension uneducated hyperborea kidnappings inflation yourself opposite possibly


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.r.ttg .

. i i

h u


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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I got banned for apparently spamming the wiki or "vandalizing" it about an hour ago. I haven't even made a single wiki edit since it was started as wiki.soygem.party under Svvt. Your mods are confusing me for somebody else. I want to make clear, it wasn't me.


about a day ago*


i only see vandals in the block log
which user were you?
is this a lie?




I have never edited the soygem wiki or made a account

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remove the wordfilter on the word faggоt, its retarded and sharty level retardation

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Meet kuro!
10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Shitty edit


hmm, the skirt might be too bright, taking away attention from the upper body




tama slopjak thread


Erm this is #meta not #general or #art, one more time and I'll have to tell a mod on you…

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Forced anonymity in settings changes all names to Sean instead of Chud

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I asked this question many times but it never got answered so I will ask it on here. Why is gore spoilered again? When it was unspoilered this dead nigger of a website slowly started rising out of his grave and the site was fun to use again. Then gore starts getting spoilered again in less than 2 days for no reason. Seriously, why did you do this? Are you trying to create the sharty 2.0 but with more namefags, rules and retarded tranny jannies?


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as a longtime user i agree with you there.


>Why is gore spoilered again?
Angeleno is still the owner of the site so rules are staying like this until October 1st.


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So a literal soyboy bought his way to admin and is rule cucking all of you?

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Would u guys want a shemmy tiktok page?




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>no because I'm a selfish little fuck that doesn't want zoomers to see shemmy gemmies


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would u guys want a weapons board? in memory of paul harrell




Honestly it wouldn't get many posts




>add another board two people will use

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I want to make something very clear. No, I did not spam the wiki. I have never made any edits on the wiki.
>You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:

>(you) have the same deletion code as the person who did

>Don't do it again
i'm not sure what the deletion code is but i swear i did not make edits to the wiki.
i'm willing to answer any questions you have here.

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soyjak.link is down

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