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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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>You WILL NOT avatarfag or namefag outside of /qa/.
wtf? does this mean I can't be Patrick Bateman anymore?


also, what about feralsh*t?


it's shit nobody ever cared about

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obsessed yejistone

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why did this site go to shit it's actually depressing


fuck off bigsissy


celibate on littlebro

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oekakis do not work


niggas really be drawing with a MOUSE lmao


>using a tablet for drawing
fucking casuals

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mutt can you respond to my email please its urgent




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soygem gyatty

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>deleting threads complaining about the moderation
holy fucking shit im leaving
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I realized it at the very start too but never mentioned because realistically nobody is going to do shit about it


>wow. amazing to say the least.
Yes I know it's not a good process.
>Maybe it would be better if they were hashed like on the jarty, but I'm not expecting a solution anytime soon.
I should get svvt to do that. I'd really like to avoid any jannies doing something like this again.
We're still basically operating this whole thing like how we did in February if you couldn't tell.


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the jarty has never leaked user IPs and it's been around twice as long as the shemale. just saying.


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Oh, good, something is being done about this.
>and talking to you guys on /sgp/ would help alot in finding out what people would want better
The first sign of trouble was yeji, or whoever that mod was, just fucking around with the kolyma sperg and being pretty open about his identity. Call it gay, but the first function of staff in a community is to prevent chaos and degradation. That means they should have self-restraint themselves and know how to blend in with the rest of anons if they want to post normally so much. What should've been done is to just ban the rizzfag for a few days and leave it. But instead it resulted in a shitstorm. I guess it was a bit entertaining, but for some it can still be a huge turn-off. Huge show of unprofessionalism.
Also, if the rules are written, they should be followed. I was wondering why that fag was breaking Mod rule 1, and it turns out they're not enforced as much? Then it should be deleted from the rule page. It's always better to be consistent in these matters. I guess you are right that this slacking off on keeping the site tidy management-wise snowballed into the IP leaking. The reason I came here is that I heard a lot of bad stuff about that Froot guy, including his staff leaking IPs. And to see that being done here as well? Hell naaaw blud skull skull
Remember, quite a lot depends on authorities in communities, people seem to underestimate that and then be surprised that their community has failed, or went into a bad direction. I'll repeat myself here again: if the leader is a weak pussy wuss, then the team that he leads, no matter how individually skilled, will be a weak pussy wuss in spirit too.
I hope you guys will be a lot more strict with the jan-jans and how you run things here. I love this place so far and it's sad to see it being mishandled. It's good to have feedback and to not silence the userbase.


>The first sign of trouble was yeji, or whoever that mod was, just fucking around with the kolyma sperg and being pretty open about his identity.
it's almost like a situation that warranted an actual penalty being projected onto someone else
but again, rules fot me but not for thee

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archive of the now deleted thread where a mod leaked someone's ip
get out of here before they leak yours too
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good thing I pretty much always post on a VPN


fire them


The janny who did this will be getting punished so you won't need to worry about this.


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let me guess, it was yejibug?


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nvm, yeji wouldn't ban a precious animeposting transqueen

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svvt why are your jannies leaking IPs?

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How to fix the site:
>Fire whatever mod is deleting shit or whatever the soyim are complaining about
>Move all of their shit complaint threads to /sgp/ because im a lazy little fuck
>Ban coalson


that mod is leaking IPs now lmfao

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j*nnies stop deleting shit for no reason
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stop projecting


i am not a tranny janny you are
svvt rape him for being a shitty janny


who said im a tranitor retard?


so you are just a tranny, glad we cleared that up


everyone above is obsessed with jannyGODS

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