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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1726923507203.png (49.46 KB, 350x277, albania.png)


disable bidenflare bring back captcha


didnt work.

File: 1725371702378.png (9.1 KB, 701x80, ClipboardImage.png)


Mods, what does "cyclical" do?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


It means it doesn't get slid


it doesn't work doe


I have no idea





File: 1726833972431.png (961.47 KB, 1072x1080, eddy_dab.png)


remove the managers from the contacts list, there is zero reason for them to be there. even if there's a specific situation where they're relevant like janny hiring let their email be there, mutt is the only relevant manager anyway.
a sticky that long only with contact info on the main board is excessive


File: 1726838616021.gif (6.09 KB, 54x73, 1709593123401.gif)

>remove the managers from the contacts list, there is zero reason for them to be there. even if there's a specific situation where they're relevant like janny hiring let their email be there, mutt is the only relevant manager anyway.
>a sticky that long only with contact info on the main board is excessive


File: 1726920315155.jpg (108.32 KB, 912x1024, cc2-1055135839.jpg)

>>remove the managers from the contacts list, there is zero reason for them to be there. even if there's a specific situation where they're relevant like janny hiring let their email be there, mutt is the only relevant manager anyway.
>>a sticky that long only with contact info on the main board is excessive

File: 1724261946061.png (121.97 KB, 994x1036, engieferal.png)


With my return as Dev, I am much more experienced now after 6 months and run my own site, so I can adequately add features now.
This is the Shemmy Suggestions thread, ask for new features to be added here.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


do this


File: 1725817659909.png (35.01 KB, 216x193, ClipboardImage.png)

Replace the autoplaying video/gif on the booru with the thumbnail to prevent wasting bandwidth for absolutely no reason at all


do this


File: 1726377107415.gif (376.67 KB, 579x767, 901.gif)

codefag wake up NOW


File: 1726908104636.png (205.68 KB, 376x400, ClipboardImage.png)

add /mu/ or at least bring back /mtv/

File: 1710802450757.png (284.21 KB, 828x824, 1913620-20SoyBooru.png)


FtM here. Dubs decide if I kill myself.


jump off hoover dam xrother





File: 1726703725918.jpg (267.67 KB, 1452x676, Screenshot_20240919_064943….jpg)


Vadim can you bring back the oc dump thread on /soy/, please?
Archive of the thread https://archive.ph/djUCS


it's kinda impossible to bring threads back from the dead o algo

File: 1726417068200.gif (197.96 KB, 425x385, 454.gif)


wordfilter dnb to d&b


File: 1726786896314.png (252.09 KB, 760x704, IMG_1074.png)

Kys dnbtard

File: 1726576249693.png (2.99 KB, 551x90, ClipboardImage.png)


wordfilter ruleclitty to rulekey and ruleclittied to rulekeyed

File: 1726421099514.png (878.96 KB, 986x1024, 1897621742157.png)


Here's a suggestion: Shut down the site so there's no more CP rings!






mods i cant post

File: 1725466520358.gif (31.08 KB, 191x255, gapejak small eyes.gif)


mods can you turn on the hourly thread limit thing. /soy/ is being ravaged by slopjak bot


i have an idea: bidenflare + antispam thread limit
put the thread creation restriction on non-whitelisted IPs, however new IPs cannot enter the whitelist during the limited thread creation


tsmt so fucking annoying




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