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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1724168706805.png (31.12 KB, 128x128, ClipboardImage.png)


Why is my post being deleted on /soy/ could you see who's doing that it's not against the rules, if you don't do it you're going to be an enabler to tranny jannies and this place will be even more rulecucked


if you make a post you think the jannies will delete for no reason take a screenshot for later


Happened to me aswell


What was in the post?


Site garbage didn't record my capcode so when I finally went to post (I tried to post it last night), it was gone.

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add visible sage on the gem theme


it is
what do you mean


i mean the SAGE! showing not the blue underlined name

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Has rule 4 been terminated or is it still in effect?

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Mutt ban namefagging outside of /qa/ or ban it everywhere it will be hilarious
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


you should get rid of leno
he is a liability for this place
it has no real future with him


>get rid of the guy hosting the site as well as the only one actively developing it
I kekked


File: 1723833633241.mp4 (440.51 KB, 420x360, frog laugh.mp4)

>nusoiadmins can't even ssh into they own servers


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When will you do this? Its been a day all you need to do is like remove two lines of code are you really that incompentent?


dawg you do realize he has to fight with a literal irl soyboy hosting this site just to make changes

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Delete this banner or remove redirect it leads to a hostile website



delete dis banner even doe I spent like 20 whole inutes on it you selfish little fuckerino

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It's a spam board. Let pingas woman leak out

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Why not?
I mean, The wiki needs one.

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Move all zellig necrobump coal on /qa/ to /zellig/

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Tell the jannies to stop autosaging my bait threads

File: 1723801941018.jpg (9.88 KB, 180x179, wojak.jpg)



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