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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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Where can I find these Frootcord leaks I've been hearing about. I'm from the sharty and have only heard it mentioned on other sites.


i don't know if the link still works but here




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>kys wikipedo

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Jannies can you rangeban my IP for an hour i need to test something


Youre obsesed brimstone Nigger.

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this is the current state of the shemmy as of the 8th month. (it will play the entire kid a album including the last tracks that imply passing)

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Hello, can you make it so that when you scroll down, the topbar follows the screen? thanks in advance.





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>4 week ban
>reason: made posts i dont like
53 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


we're still going to spam gore in raids fuck timmy gon do


i never plan on doing work for free for any site unless i own and profit from it. but i wont forget that.
>this is something a fw heavy
>if we fuck up i want a catalog of you shitting on us for it
tsmt so do you agree the ban and deletion waves were unjustified?
>ruins our image
right now we dont have any image
we are an irrelevant dying splinter
did we care about the image of the sharty in 2022? of course not. we just posted whatever we wanted to.


>i guess i could ban people bragging about raiding with gore but no one does that
actually, if you did this you would be banning people for doing things that VIOLATE ZERO RULES
do you agree janny powertripping ruined 4cuck? enforce your sites rules janny and dont make your own


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>no meta threads are allowed on my half dead main board


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rangeban pepeposters on /soy/


Rangeban Romania

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ITT: You suggest features to be added to the shemmy
Megathread for gemmy features you'd like to see added.
These ideas will be discussed with 'Leno and might be added.
So link github repos, ask for new shit, provide ur own user scripts, ect.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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easy custom background via image link, and complentry text colour changes like xhe 3ds


dead site


just so dead


Add .mov file support


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 No.4895[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In recent weeks, the site has fallen off hugely, when measuring directly from PPH and it makes complete sense.
>site gets made
>initial burst of traffic as it's something new
>site continues growing a little bit
>site starts declining in traffic
>Unstable leadership comes through
>My own leadership comes through
>Frootcord leaks happen, making PPH balloon
>People kinda forget about them and go back to what it was before

But that makes sense, people moving to something else based on outrage isn't going to make you succeed in the long run, only in the short-run.
In the chudosphere, think about Fox News. Despite MAGA Republicans (including Trump) consistently bashing Fox News and supporting alternatives such as Newsmax and OAN, and while indeed these platforms did balloon for a short period of time, Fox News still stays king.

If we try and just live on outrage all the time, it'll be short term and just render us as a jarty at the end of it all.

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139 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you know, thats actually not even a bad idea.


i thought frootcord was leak by affy


It is not that serious nigga you do it for free


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the reason why people left is becuase there was nowhere to go, angeleno is a massive and i mean MASSIVE retard for atleast not trying to take advantage of this and 4chan already exists for what you are talking about, it won't work and it's too divisive
combined with this is that no one trusts anything now, angeleno tarnished his image and people distrust him as false opposition and a leftcuck nigger.
nothing else will work, the best we can do now is try to somehow fuse with the churro and tone it down with the rulecucking which only makes things sound more hopeless in my opinion becuase they'res a higher chance that ronald goes apeshit and fucks over everything than angeleno the nigger ever doing anything other than promote /s4s/ troon garbage.



Yeah this site is "the shemmy." There'll still be a soy board but the shemmy will be more.

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What are the rules for /soy/? I know they have swwt era rules but im an extreme nufag and don't know what the rules are


Idk but can I have sex with you


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We MIGHT change our stance on this if it bothers people too much but just don't post SNCA NAS on /soy/ and try to relegate that stuff to /qa/. Light NAS that's shemmy related is allowed for the most part but if it gets out of hand we'll move it so that /soy/ isn't just /qa/ but more soyjaks.


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also hello churro sissies


OK can we have sex now



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