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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1716156416717.png (6.91 KB, 534x485, 1611988536154.png)


Why are there only six pages on /soy/


Bot cattywiped

File: 1716128752688.png (2.82 KB, 206x232, xaxa.png)


i was gone for only three days and this site has just devolved.


File: 1716128820731.png (10.74 KB, 209x241, ClipboardImage.png)

>i was gone for only three days and this site has just devolved.


File: 1716130151928.png (124.4 KB, 1503x951, ClipboardImage.png)



are you even a real person?


yah it's the bot guy


ban the bot NAO

File: 1716008187094.png (172.46 KB, 1024x1024, this is what you look like.png)


Why is /soy/ 20 fucking pages? I called it the other night! Making PPH look faster than it really is.

File: 1715973164116.png (148.96 KB, 609x638, jarty (32).png)


fire foot, NOW. xhe's the reason why this niggersite is going downhill.


also foot if your reading this unban flower smeller

File: 1715973314472.jpg (6.51 KB, 250x228, 1636694229178.jpg)


where is svvt

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posted this on the wrong board by mistake but replace /b/ with /g/ (garfield board)


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so is it going to be on qa or not?


rizz is removed on /qa/ as of now which is why i'm asking


We're working on it

File: 1715855105031.png (468.91 KB, 750x501, 87e8617a-384d-436a-a0f1-8f….png)


bring back /z/.

File: 1715630709278.png (113.95 KB, 600x800, Neutralplier.PNG)


theres no soyjaks on soy


File: 1715632753894.png (13.22 KB, 825x771, cockrape neutral.png)



what are you doing faggot


File: 1715838669322.png (204.86 KB, 750x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

today we have amended this



File: 1715821347045.png (110.4 KB, 399x448, ClipboardImage.png)


is tranime banned on /soy/ or not

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