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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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who deleted >>>/soy/216227?
it happened kinda randomly without a ban or anything and its only content was "gem, let's do this"
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


yeah, whatever I suppose


who deleted 216208 this time?


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It was completely justified


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this is just evil…

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your tranitor's clitty is leaking again lel

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so we are just not gonna listen to my requests to turn off the annoying cuckflare crap? Ok faggots.
Didn't "mistype" anything because there isn't anything to type!


Nigger, we literally can’t because we’ll get raped to death by spam bots. As well as the fact vitrans is being a bitch about it. Hopefully svvt can create a captcha for us in the near future.


Bro don’t say that to one of ur users that’s disrespectful

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how can i get an account on the booru
i want to keep a stat on how much i've uploaded


forgot to mention that account creation is disabled right now for anons

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jannies or scar or whoever the fuck i'll be completely honest you should probably just shut the site down at this point because its just a breeding ground for foodist and pedophile drama and your moderators are incapable of moderating the site properly when csam shit, falseflagging, animal gore, doxx gets posted and these faggots won't stop until the site is dead (that's their entire goal), i'd rather GTFO and delete fucking everything right now if i were site owner, move out, change my name to something generic and never come back because this discord tranny faggot is legitimately not going to stop and it's only a matter of time before you start actually getting swatted and feds are too incompetent to do anything

its a shame but im being fully honest here, if i get banned for posting this (i have never posted on the shemmy before but seeing it targetted by this much discords at once and foodists just makes me sad) i guess it's whatever but im just saying

foodists are only attracted to places where they can get attention for the shit they do, if they do not have a platform to do fucked shit on, they just go away (or fuck up on discord and get arrested geg)
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giving up means subhuman 'cord vermin win


if i feel no more interest in running the site i will just pass it onto somebody else




svvt if you actually shutdown the site redirect it to the swinny its the only splinter with potential to actually be better than the shitty


stop necrobumping this shit thread nigger

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why are Twinkjaks banned when rapesons aren’t
They both have cords that are hostile, the only real difference is that twinkcord doesn’t exist anymore and rapecord spams the shemmy
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seething cordkike


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>seething cordkike


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>>seething cordkike




Kys necrobumptranny

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add /a/, /sci/, /x/ and readd /korea/ or whatever


(((they))) are trying to slide this



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Beware of the impersonators.


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And why is this in /sgp/?


bro think we care🤣🤣🤣


saving this from page 40

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should be fixed now


log topper

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Ban flower smeller


he's harmless though


go up

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