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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1717721101168.png (134.07 KB, 317x312, ClipboardImage.png)


I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
I look like a bot.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1717721606376.png (134.07 KB, 317x312, ClipboardImage.png)


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ow owah


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Remove flower smeller wordfilter

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using my one free namefag pass


its embedded

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This site is currently being protected by BidenFlare.


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File: 1718296967862.png (1.7 MB, 1200x1200, 1634257935132.png)


'lenooooooo bring back /soy/
EVERYONE (except for like 2 contrarian faggots) wants /soy/ back

File: 1718245513459.jpeg (67.44 KB, 597x680, 4DCC3FD2-23A8-4AED-AB80-0….jpeg)


Let me upload pdfs


gemmy idea


let me upload vhd files.

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its somewhat over.
activity has been pretty slow even for shemmy standarts, locking up almost every board and only having a ten page main board is at the very least not helping. also this weird obsession with wanting non existant /qa/ posters here while alienating the already small userbase is not the way forward. things were somewhat fine a month ago before doll and its been a downward spiral after that fiasco.
just some thoughts.
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


we were given one of the best opportunities for any imageboard and the jannies ruined it with meaningless deletions


you are here to serve the janny not the other way around retard


if you were filtered by the janny's decisions it means you never belonged here and you wouldn't survive on real /qa/


>this weird obsession with wanting non existant /qa/ posters here while alienating the already small userbase is not the way forward
ev&o we are those posters. Remember soyjaks.com?
>we should focus on our strenghts
what are they doe
i kms if we ever stoop that low
>oldfag larp
i feel like we are moreso enjoying the present


Literally what iv been saying this whole time

File: 1718170863095.png (228.51 KB, 852x1800, 1715338414615-1.png)


>'log is 99% janny samefag
>someones says "lul site is janny namefaging"
89 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


entire thread is 2 people samefaggin…


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Obviously my decisions to add boards nobody will use have much more reason to them. Typingquirkfagging could bring a new type of shitposting. It'll be like word filtering yourself if you add whole words into the letter string replacer.
And making the whole website pitch black would make it like a fun puzzle game. Select the text in order to be able to read it!


obsessed thread lol


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why are the post counts different?


some spam was wiped i think

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The hourly thread limit has been reached.


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where is this from and why do you keep posting this


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>still hasn't reopened /soy/
fuck this shit site im gonna use mootxi.co or some shit lulz
21 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i certainly find it a detriment
we're already making it hard for new people to use the site with bidenflare and the captcha, i don't think they'll wanna stay if they see that on every post.
Anyhow, whatever happens I just want /soy/ back


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it's over for this place
even jarty has more activity now


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>it's over for this place
>even jarty has more activity now


Where can I find all of your mymy gems


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