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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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Where's ban list?

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I'm a shartyshit but I don't really care for other sites in the soysphere, can someone tell me why people dislike your site so much?


this site used to be pretty gay with anime avatarfags everywhere, nas coal taking up half of /soy/ and no genuine anons because almost everybody was identifiable. also it was rulecucked (total dox ban, total gore ban, mods banned people for disliking them and left smug messages, no nsfw)
but that was the old shemmy, from about january to march. it has become a lot freer and better since then since all of those things were unbanned (except doxing, but now doxing people who have severely messed with the site is finally allowed)


Angeleno what do you think of this 'toss

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i want to start uploading to our 'ru but how much info is stored on you when you upload a 'jak or tag a 'jak anonymously? your IP address i assume, what else?


i don't reuse proxies because ip leaks would link my posts together, so ill use a free proxy extension, sorry if it ends up being one of the banned ip's on here or whatever the fuck


only the ip.

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unlock >>>/soy/284865
what use is a shitpost sticky if i cant shitpost and soyquote in it

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Genuinely what is your plan with this shitty site? How will you compete with the sharty? You realize this site is rulecucked than the sharty why would anyone use this site over the sharty?


they had their chance when gore and nsfw were unbanned and the site became fun to use again
when will ib jannies/mods/admins understand that rules are the enemy of fun even if it upsets them or is heckin' grosserino

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deleted my thread again award

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Please stop decreasing the page limit on /soy/


tomorrow we will be decreasing the page limit to 1


decrease page limit to 1, decrease threads per page limit also to 1


tsmt especially when the frogtranny is spamming the board 24/7


Can you increase the page limit to 40?

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turn on bidenflare jannies, we're being hit by quote's spambot again

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