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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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erm you guys should update the faq, there is some old stuff over there


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>this nigger reads the faq

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Add sections for boards. The sections would be:
>japanese culture
>MISC (nsfw)
>adult (nsfw)

Under the japanese culture section add:
>/a/-Anime & Manga
>/cgl/-Cosplay & EGL
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Global Rules
You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:
Troll posts
Anthropomorphic ("furry") pornography
Grotesque ("guro") images
Loli/shota pornography
Dubs or GET posts, including 'Roll for X' images
You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-shemmy) raids is also not permitted.
All boards that default to the Yotsuba B (blue) theme are to be considered "work safe". Violators may be temporarily banned and their posts removed. Note: Spoilered pornography or other "not safe for work" content is NOT allowed.
The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Please refrain from posting the following:
Irrelevant catchphrases or copypasta
Example: "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?…"
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do this


>Pokémon board
Angeleno dew dis nooooooooooooooooooooooooow

In actuality, these boards would all be dead, sorry to be a selfish little fuck

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is this rare?


1 in 7.6 trillion chance of happening


no, it's common i get it all the time


Sexo with South African piratefag


>broken jarty rizz
test on the meta board reward

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I am bored. Ask me anything. You are free to exercise your right of free speech.
56 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Go the fuck back, lmfao.


where is the mp3 support?


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You 7 IQ faggot, I just banned you from a hidden board for 1 minute so I can put a ban message on you to expose your samefagging because I know it makes you angry, and that amuses me.


>1 minute
it says never thoughie
not that it matters


Sex with yeji

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can you remod soos i was only joking


Why was soos demoded?


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don't do this, keep that nigger demoted

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How I would save this rotting dead nigger of a site
>delete every board besides /qa/ and /sgp/.
Make the only rules:
>1. You will not post anything illegal in the USA.
>1a. This includes Loli and Shota.
>2. You will not excessively spam the website.


Watch them ignore this

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Hello, I'll be looking after /sgp/ a lot more now, please use this thread to complain about your autistic complaints or any suggestions to us. I will talk with the staff about any of these complaints/suggestions to try and make this site better for our posters.
I will personally respond to posts in this thread when I can.
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are there any plans for a filter to be added like the sharty I'd like to do some self-moderation


ty moddy mods


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Any chance /korea/ images can be blacklisted from the home page?


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needle penises won

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 No.5231[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So I wanna know what you guys think of the current administration and how we're handling things. Alongside criticism, suggestions, and in general what you guys want for the site.
Feel free to ask questions too and i'll answer them to my best ability.
Thread will be moved to /sgp/ later.
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are you pretty much an oldfag who goes where the gems, lulz, win, whatever you wanna call it go?


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Less rulecucking and overzealous moderation and thats it.


>Flood detected

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Any plans on boosting the site pph


Yes. Not going to disclose much.


Ok I see well I hope you guys find a way to boost the pph because this site is dying


Personally I think we should promote the site to other places just so we can boost the userbase and pph


Shill on /bant/ or something

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>changing the default name from Chud to Sean
>having the exact same rules as the sharty but more
>refusing to either quality control (like svvt's jannies did) or allow real liberty on /soy/, leading to a terrible mix where /soy/ is both rulecucked and coal-filled
>leaving the soysphere to become a dead general-purpose altchan that only the jannies and the 'stuckcuck will use
>can't hide posts
>no inbuilt post filtering system
its like angeleno WANTS to kill this website or make it into shitty controlled opposition to the sharty
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


it is though


>getting out of our shell is when we both rulecuck and allow coal to fill page 1


making the default name Sean is the worst change yet


Tsmt, though its still chud on /soy/



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