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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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Since Im the only European Mod here feel free to report


why did i upon seeing your post get the sudden urge to rip your guts out?

File: 1736266719151.png (35.61 KB, 718x239, ClipboardImage.png)


most obsessed faggot award


thats dravidian chillyshit


Yet we can’t ban who did it

File: 1733742783787.gif (18.95 KB, 197x250, 7695b4027554dcda9ea00709b8….gif)


how about we shut it down




Kek, it's kino!


2 more weeks saar



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So, where is the soygem wiki? Is there an archive of it?


Apologies for responding to this thread late.
Someone who was a former staff member was supposed to manage bringing it back up, but now I don't think that'll happen, I'll try to figure out something but that's gonna have to wait probably, since we're already stretched thin right now and don't have a proper developer.

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poly leaked and left GEEEEEEEEEEEEEG


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I love BBC btw




wdym (You)????


Blud is confused by his own post

File: 1735987339362.mp4 (2.35 MB, 330x270, Jew or Goy? [3h7hIvXv-cM].mp4)


fuck this website


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File: 1736441845528-1.mp4 (4.28 MB, 412x732, Freak of the Plug.mp4)

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The admin is a literal nigger for being too retarded to filter 1 phrase

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trans rights btfo the shemalie once again

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trans rights won shemmycuck


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>trans rights won shemmycuck



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>>7324 yest



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