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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1731545164438.jpg (67.97 KB, 1024x937, 367 - glasses neutral pepe.jpg)


What if we shut the site down and sold it to Froot?


sell me to froot mmfh

File: 1731417702004.jpg (324.52 KB, 1391x1405, 16 - glasses newspaper pep….jpg)


You should add a subsection to rule 1 about animal abuse content since it's been illegal in the US since 2019

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y'all should call this shit no'board where yall pph is

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delete >>>/z/ and >>>/y/, they dont serve a purpose.


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delete vadim samefagging board yes delete yaoi board no because it pisses you off


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/y/ lost.
/z/ won.

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saar remove bidenflare from /art/ so I can complement these drawGODs to make more coal gemeralds to save the soysphere. Mucho Gracias.

File: 1710938592039-0.swf (8.71 MB, 62549 - SoyBooru.swf)

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Svvt! Please Added Ruffle!


nobody cares about your nostalgiatroon shit




>ronaId is a shemmy oldCHAD
just hire him at this point

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Do you guys think this site would be benefited more by more rules or less rules?
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File: 1730494013090.jpg (65.86 KB, 660x650, 1654186941668.jpg)

would it not make this site more favorable towards most of the soysphere's population though? Our reputation is pretty bad in that regard.


delete this


shemalies would provably leak and the other soysphere soyteens wouldn't really care
probably maybe idk i havent really seen how nusois react


they don't like our site mostly because we're basically the closest soysite that's comparable to your generic oldfag altchan, remember the fact that nusois really hate anything that's remotely "cute" or they see as "epi".


>nusois can't appreciate beauty and purity
keep them out

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change the default back to Gem because Gem B fucking sucks
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I want you.


File: 1730493798147.png (110.91 KB, 800x765, shemmypedo.png)

>>>6591 (You)
>I want you.


froot wouldn't do this
theres a reason discussing namefags is banned on /soy/ but said namefags are never banned from /soy/


Touching myself to this… STAY TUNED! ❤️


nobody cares nigga

File: 1730413378219.png (11.57 KB, 329x380, coswork pissed.png)



pls and thanks
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gem that i've never seen before wewwgat the fuck


File: 1730413857760.png (52.92 KB, 768x719, 450 - SoyBooru.png)

>no lol


forgot to mention im trans(USER WAS MOBBED BY KIWIFARMS FOR THIS POST)


Hey I am too sister! :3


Erm fake

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I want to use the site less until namefag is readded.
but if i do that the rulecucks will have their way.
stuck in a rock and a hard place. The site is less fun without namefagging but if i leave the site the tranjans get their way???


File: 1730413821977.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x255, 1706298290196.jpg)

thank god

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